Your search for the adverb ha’naa, tsé’naa across
has returned 3 entries

ha’naa (Ib. tsé’naa)

Tó ńlį́įgo ha’naa niníyáá ńt’éé’ kohgo tó bínéés’ąąd.

water 3-be.N-GO area-across 1-walk.P past here water 3-rise.P

When I waded across the river the water came up to here.

Tsé taah héjaa’go tó ńlínígíí bikáá’ ha’naa shił ni’ílwod.

stone water-into 3-1-put-.P-GO stream 3-on area-across 1-with 3-run.P

Putting stones into the water, I drove across the stream.